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How to Know if Your Compressor is Right for Producing Clean Hydrogen Energy

Dec 18, 2023 3:05:29 PM
How to Know if Your Compressor is Right for Producing Clean Hydrogen Energy

As green energy technology continues to evolve, clean hydrogen has emerged as a powerful and versatile energy carrier that more producers are incorporating into their production processes. This is in large part due to the fact that clean hydrogen that is produced using carbon capture technology can help reduce harmful emissions in a wide variety of industrial and manufacturing contexts where cutting carbon emissions has been a key challenge. 

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Whether Positive Displacement Pumps Are Right for Your Application

Nov 30, 2023 12:18:59 PM
The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Whether Positive Displacement Pumps Are Right for Your Application

There are some industrial applications where centrifugal pumps simply aren’t the best tool for the job. In most instances, this is because the industrial application calls for the use of medium-to-high-viscosity fluids or liquids that contain a high percentage of entrained gasses. Such applications are most commonly found in the oil and gas, concrete, chemical, and petrochemical industries.

Why Sealless Magnetic Pumps are Ideal for the HF Alkylation Refining Process

Sep 22, 2023 10:24:03 AM
Why Sealless Magnetic Pumps are Ideal for the HF Alkylation Refining Process

The oil & gas industry is constantly innovating new methods of extracting, processing, and refining the raw materials necessary for the manufacturing of high-quality products. Hydrofluoric (HF) acid alkylation is a mission-critical refining process used to produce clean-burning, high-octane gasoline blending stock to help increase the fuel efficiency of car and truck engines. 

How FRP Pumps Can Help Downstream Oil & Gas Producers Optimize Their Produced Water Treatment Process

Jun 19, 2023 2:37:52 PM
How FRP Pumps Can Help Downstream Oil & Gas Producers Optimize Their Produced Water Treatment Process

A recent article projects the oil & gas industry will need to invest up to $500 billion annually in new infrastructure and equipment in order to optimize production in ways that will keep pace with consumer demand. One of the ways which oil & gas producers can achieve more effective production processes particularly in the downstream phase of manufacturing is specifying pumps that create a more efficient process of treating their produced water to be reused in other applications. 

5 FAQs On Troubleshooting Your Water Flow Meter System

May 25, 2023 4:36:30 PM
5 FAQs On Troubleshooting Your Water Flow Meter System

The importance of optimizing your flow meter system for precise, accurate dosing cannot be overstated. Not only can poor performing water meters increase your operating costs via maintenance intervals or downtime in production, but they can also hamper your ability to produce a quality product — in the concrete manufacturing industry, the performance of your flow meter can affect the appearance, quality, and durability of the concrete you produce.

Time for a Check Up: Why Regular Maintenance Checks Are Important for Pump and Compressor Efficiency

Nov 30, 2022 9:00:00 AM
Time for a Check Up: Why Regular Maintenance Checks Are Important for Pump and Compressor Efficiency

The demands of modern manufacturing means plant operators need equipment that maximizes uptime, especially in today’s industrial environment where production takes place on a 24/7, 365 basis. While choosing industrial pumps and compressors that are designed for long-term, continuous use helps optimize productivity, it’s also important to understand the value of regular maintenance checks, on-site equipment inspections, and real-time troubleshooting.